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Registration for an academic year in France

You have a young student who wishes to apply for an academic year in France program? See below the registration conditions required.

What are the conditions?

In order to candidate to an Academic Year in France, the student must :

  • Having a sufficient level of French to be able to express and understand, an A2 / B1 level is recommended. But we prefer to consider the motivation of the student rather than his level. A student who makes efforts to integrate and communicate progresses faster than a student with a good level and remains isolated.
  • Having a good academic level is recommended. School reports are mandatory documents in the registration file.
  • Possess the qualities required to succeed in this type of program: autonomy, maturity, adaptability, open-mindedness, curiosity, having a sense of communication, in short, being ready!
  • In function of the French level, we might assess individual French lessons during the programme.

Registration procedure

Registration takes place in 3 steps:

Program eligibility

SILC should receive 3 cards that the student must complete and send within the time indicated on the card of the chosen program. These cards will enable Silc to know if the student is eligible and validate his registration.

> Enrolment form
> Code of conduct
> Présentation letter


In order to start the host family research process, each student will have to pay registration and administration fees.

> Payment page

Completion of the file

Finally, the student will have to send to SILC his medical file and his school record.

> Medical report
> Academic record

You would like more information on the process?

Feel free to ask!

Contact us >